Kobe Mosque (神戸モスク, Kōbe Mosque?), also known as Kobe Muslim Mosque (神戸ムスリムモスク, Kōbe Muslim Mosque?), was founded in October, 1935 in Kobe and is Japan's first mosque. Masjid Kobe (神戸 モスク, Kobe Masjid?), Juga dikenal sebagai Masjid Muslim Kobe (神戸 ムスリムモスク, Kobe Muslim Masjid?), Didirikan pada bulan Oktober, 1935 di Kobe dan merupakan masjid pertama di Jepang. Its construction was funded by donations collected by the Islamic Committee of Kobe from 1928 until its opening in 1935. Pembangunannya didanai oleh sumbangan yang dikumpulkan oleh Komite Islam Kobe dari tahun 1928 hingga pembukaannya tahun 1935. The mosque was confiscated by the Imperial Japanese Navy in 1943. Masjid tersebut disita oleh Angkatan Laut Kekaisaran Jepang tahun 1943. However, it continues to function as mosque today. Namun, terus berfungsi sebagai masjid hari ini. It is located in the Kitano-cho foreign district of Kobe. Terletak di distrik Kitano-cho asing Kobe. Owing to its basement and structure, the mosque was able to endure through the Great Hanshin earthquake. Karena basement dan struktur, masjid mampu bertahan melalui gempa Hanshin Agung. The mosque was built in traditional Turkish style by the Czech architect Jan Josef Švagr (1885–1969), the architect of a number of Western religious buildings throughout Japan. masjid ini dibangun dalam gaya Turki tradisional oleh arsitek Ceko Jan Josef Švagr (1885-1969), arsitek dari sejumlah bangunan keagamaan Barat di seluruh Jepang.
When the buildings around it almost razed to the ground, Kobe Muslim Mosque still standing upright. Ketika bangunan di sekitarnya hampir rata dengan tanah, Kobe Muslim Masjid masih berdiri tegak. This mosque suffered only cracks on exterior walls and all the glass windows broken. Masjid ini hanya mengalami retak-retak pada dinding eksterior dan semua jendela kaca yang pecah. The exterior of the mosque became a bit dark because the smoke bomb attack. Bagian luar masjid menjadi agak gelap karena serangan bom asap. Japanese soldiers who took refuge in the basement of the mosque survived the bomb threat, as well as concealed weapons. tentara Jepang yang berlindung di ruang bawah tanah masjid selamat dari ancaman bom, serta senjata tersembunyi. This mosque became a place of refuge for victims of war. Masjid ini menjadi tempat perlindungan bagi korban perang.
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