The Masjid Al-Dahab , popularly known as the Golden Mosque, is the religious center of Muslims in Metro Manila. Masjid Al-Dahab, dikenal sebagai Masjid Golden, merupakan pusat keagamaan Muslim di Metro Manila. It was built in 1976 and was so called because of the color of its dome. Dibangun pada tahun 1976 dan disebut demikian karena warna kubah. It is located in Quiapo, which is also the center of devotion of Christians. Itu terletak di Quiapo, yang juga merupakan pusat pengabdian orang Kristen.
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The structure was built under the regime of President Ferdinand Marcos under the supervision of First Lady Imelda Marcos for the state visit of Libyan strongman Muammar al-Gaddafi. Struktur ini dibangun di bawah rezim Presiden Ferdinand Marcos di bawah pengawasan Ibu Imelda Marcos untuk kunjungan kenegaraan orang kuat Libya Muammar al-Gaddafi. The purpose was to help broker peace with the Muslim separatists in Mindanao. Tujuannya adalah untuk membantu perdamaian broker dengan separatis Muslim di Mindanao. The visit did not happen; instead, it was the First Lady who visited Libya. Kunjungan tersebut tidak terjadi, melainkan itu adalah First Lady yang mengunjungi Libya. The mosque remained and eventually became the largest mosque and the center of Islam in Manila. Masjid tetap dan akhirnya menjadi masjid terbesar dan pusat Islam di Manila.
The mosque is located in Quiapo mainly because there were a number of Muslims that lived there and also in Binondo, which is near Quiapo. Masjid ini terletak di Quiapo terutama karena ada sejumlah muslim yang tinggal di sana dan juga di Binondo, yang dekat Quiapo. The Golden Mosque stands at the end of the Globo De Oro Street, whose name means “Golden Globe”. Masjid Golden berdiri di akhir Globo De Oro Street, yang namanya berarti "Golden Globe". The mosque is large enough to accommodate 3,000 worshipers. Masjid ini cukup besar untuk menampung 3.000 jamaah. Usually, during the Islamic day of worship every Friday noon, the mosque is packed full. Biasanya, pada siang hari Islam setiap ibadah Jumat siang, masjid dikemas penuh. At present, the minaret of the mosque is rusted and the dome is partly rusted; however, the mosque is currently being renovated. Saat ini, menara masjid yang berkarat dan kubah sebagian berkarat, namun masjid saat ini sedang direnovasi.
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